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Digital Trends for Marketing this Year
Trying to figure out how to master your digital marketing strategy this year?
Although digital marketing isn’t the only way to promote your business, it is one of the best.
For that very reason, today, we’re looking at 9 digital marketing trends you need to check out to grow your business online.
We’ll also talk about ways you can begin immediately implementing them into your marketing strategy.
What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing is online, internet marketing that is done through digital technology (a.k.a, the internet).
If you have social media accounts, digital products, or even a website , you need to learn digital marketing.
A few examples of digital marketing are:
- Internet marketing
- Content marketing
- Influencer marketing
- Social media marketing
- Video Marketing like YouTube or TikTok
- Omnichannel marketing
- Digital advertising like Google Ad and Facebook Ads
- Search Engine Optimization
- Email Marketing
Related article: Digital Marketing vs Affiliate Marketing
The Latest in Digital Marketing Trends
As a b2b marketer, I use internet marketing daily to run my business, create an amazing customer experience and build brand awareness.
But, are we really using it to our best benefit?
To effectively use digital marketing, you have to understand what actually does (and doesn’t) work.
You also need to be aware of which digital channels your consumers are active on and how to create a customer journey that will turn your audience into raving fans.
Knowing what strategies to use will give your brand that extra personalization and rapidly grow your “know, like and trust” factor.
Let’s look at the digital marketing trends that you should prioritize in 2021.
Digital Marketing Trend 1: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization is how Google decides if it should show your post, site, or product on the 1st (or 100th) page of search results.
In terms of marketing effort, SEO is a long-term strategy that can bring your target audience to you if you do it right.
SEO is listed as the first trend for 2021 because most marketing experts agree that it is truly the most important aspect of your business, in terms of online presence.
Since the goal should be to always rank on page 1 of Google, you have to focus on effective SEO.
Local SEO optimization is especially important if you have a brick-and-mortar storefront in a particular location so that people find the resources they are looking for in their area..
To do this, you need to learn about keyword research, backlinks, and post layouts.
There are many different search engine optimization courses, but here are a few of my favorites:
- SEO: The Complete Guide for Beginners
- Debbie Gartner’s SEO books for beginners
Related article: What is SEO?
Digital Marketing Trend 2: Video Content
If you haven’t yet noticed, all social media platforms are beginning to emphasize the importance of video content.
Youtube used to be one of the only video platforms online. Now, there are Instagram reels, Facebook Lives and so much more.
Although each algorithm is different, there is one specific similarity for growth: video content.
Since our social life has been fully online for the last year, social media has decided that people want face-to-face content.
LIVE videos (where you are interacting with your audience in real-time), are a great option if you have time to do them.
But, if you only have a few minutes here and there, make quick video content for reels or TikTok .
Digital Marketing Trend 3: Instagram
Instagram is going to be just as popular (if not more) in 2021 as it was in 2020 as a social media channel. It’s been said that it will surpass Facebook for the number of users this year alone.
That being said, use it to build your business.
But, you have to know the algorithm to boost your engagement which will increase your audience.
Even though this social media platform began with only pictures, you can now post videos, reels, boomerangs, or even go live. To get the most traction, try to utilize all of these features.
How to use Instagram for Content Marketing
- Create reels. Instagram uses reels to compete with TikTok. Therefore, this content is currently prioritized more than pictures.o compete with TikTok. Therefore, this content is currently prioritized more than pictures.
- Post consistently. Whether you post daily, every couple of days, or weekly, post at the same times. Instagram favors consistent accounts.
- Add content to your stories as frequently as you can. Aim for a minimum of 10 story posts per day.
- Engage with other accounts in your niche. You can like, comment, save, and follow similar accounts to show up on more feeds.
- Use all of the features Instagram has to offer. (This means stories, feed posts, reels, and live videos.)
If you want to learn more about increasing your Instagram following , check out this article.
Digital Marketing Trend 4: TikTok
TikTok is another good way to begin digital marketing.
The latest trend on video is TikTok where users can create short video clips with voice-overs and other fun and interactive content.
This app is known for its ability to allow anyone (regardless of account size) to go viral.
Although you can have a personal account, it is better to stay with a niche topic so that your audience knows the type of content they’ll be getting.
How to use TikTok for digital marketing:
- Post a few times a day if you are able to. If not, try to at least post once a day.
- Try to stay on the app for a minimum of an hour a day.
Digital Marketing Trend 5: Clubhouse
Clubhouse is a new app that was just released at the end of 2020.
The reason Clubhouse is a hit is because it is a completely auditory platform and is essentially built 100% off interactive content.
You can join groups to sit in on talks or even join conversations yourself. If you are a b2b company, you’ll find lots of inspiration and connections in the platform.
But, as of right now, you have to be invited to join it. This is due to the app being so new, they don’t want it to crash due to having too many users.
Once you do join, though, you get one link to send to a friend to allow them to join.
Once the owners have the app fully setup, they have said they will be opening it up to everyone without needing an invite.
How to use Clubhouse for digital marketing:
- If you aren’t yet a member, you can still go ahead and secure your user name. That way, your account name is set in stone.
- Once you join, optimize your bio to let your followers know what your niche is.
- Join in on discussions that fit your brand.
Digital Marketing Trend 6: Testimonials and Reviews
Get as many testimonials and/or reviews as you can for your products.
Whether you sell courses, e-books, or even physical products, make sure you get feedback.
Not only will this help you improve your products, but you’ll always have good feedback to show potential customers.
How to get testimonials to improve digital marketing:
- If you haven’t launched your product yet, you can ask a few people to check it out for free in exchange for a review.
- Add an incentive for your customer to leave you a testimonial or review. This can be a discount code, affiliate link, or even a free product.
Digital Marketing Trend 7: Conversational Chatbots
Conversational chatbots are created through machine learning software that creates automated responses on your social media accounts or websites to your customers.
Since we are in an ‘I want it and I want it now’ world, getting an immediate response is a win for your customers.
But, we can’t always be online, right?
That’s why chatbots are a huge hit. You can set up an automated virtual reality response to answer or ask a common question, give your office hours, or even send you an email.
Some programs even allow marketing automation that act as mini funnels taking your audience through an entire customer journey.
How to use conversational chatbots for digital marketing:
- Add automated responses to your Facebook page messages and Instagram messages.
- Add a conversational chatbot to your websites. This way, if a potential customer has a question, they can get an immediate answer rather than have to wait on you to respond. Oftentimes, waiting for a response can cause you to lose a sale.
Digital Marketing Trend 8: Shareable Content
One of the best ways to get higher engagement (and more traction) on social media, your websites, and your products is to make sure your content is shareable.
Now, this doesn’t mean that the content is technologically shareable. This means that the content itself needs to make the consumers want to share it with their friends, family, and followers.
How to make a shareable content marketing strategy:
- Answer questions that are widely asked in your niche. That way, if one person finds it useful, they’re inclined to share it with others.
- Make funny content. We all like to laugh, right? Finding ways to add humor in your niche can gain you a lot of engagement.
- Use interactive content that your audience can easily participate in. Think: THIS or THAT type questions.
Digital Marketing Trend 9: Branding
Branding is one of the most important aspects of having any business in reaching our target audience.
With digital marketing being a (primarily) visual way to market, make sure you have a clear brand for your audience.
Branding includes your business layout, products, niche, and even your pictures.
How to optimize your brand for digital marketing:
- Use a consistent editing style on your platforms.
- Create products that fit your niche.
- Style all of your social media accounts the same way. (Meaning, use the same filters and colors throughout each account.)
You want your audience to see your products, logo, or pictures and immediately know they’re yours.
Make 2021 Your Year through Digital Marketing Trends
Being a digital marketer doesn’t have to be hard. You also don’t have to follow all the trends at one time.
I recommend picking one digital trend and trying to perfect your usage of it. Then, once you think you have a great grasp of those, try to add another one.
If you utilize these trends correctly, 2021 is bound to be your year!
Digital Marketing Trend Strategies FAQ:
Related articles:
Q: Can I make money with digital marketing?
You can definitely make money with digital marketing. You can promote other people’s products or even make money off of your own products.
Q: Will these digital marketing trends ever change?
As all trends change regularly, digital marketing trends will also change. This is why it is vital to master SEO. But, all 13 of the trends previously listed are great ways to start adding digital marketing into your business.
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Digital Marketing vs Affiliate Marketing
Wow Sasha, great list here! #2 is definitely something I haven’t dove into yet! Since it seems like videos are crazy popular, I may just need to do it. Always great information that I can use on your posts to point new bloggers (like myself) in the right direction. Thank you.
These are really useful. I’ve heard about Clubhouse but not really read much about it yet. I’m still trying to get myself to be consistent enough on social media. I have difficulties trying to figure out content. Thanks for these.
That’s such a good tip about Instagram reels. I didn’t realize they were prioritizing them as a competition to Tik Tok. I’ll definitely check that out.
I’ve been reading a lot and hearing it on YouTube that creating shareable content is the way to go but I never actually knew how to create shareable content. Most content creators don’t actually tell you how to do it. Thanks Sasha.
How do I create shareable content?
Hi Twila! Are you meaning how to share from a tech perspective or how to write content that people want to share?