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Guest Post by Fashion Blogger, Jenna Drury

Is Work Taking Over Daily Life? 5 Strategies to Achieving a Healthy Work-Life Balance
5 Strategies for Excellent Work-Life Balance

Do you ever feel like your work life and personal life are intertwined? Yeah, me too. I live a bit of a crazy life. Between working a full-time 9-5 gig in the corporate world and working as a blogger on the side, my plate is always full and my mind never stops racing.

Don’t get me wrong though, I love the hustle and bustle of being busy, being productive, and being a total girl boss. But even the most motivated, enthusiastic go-getters need a break every now and then.

Today, I am going to go over 5 of my most practiced and most effective strategies to achieve a healthy work-life balance. Before I do that, let me introduce myself. My name is Jenna and I am the owner of The Blonde Blogger, a fashion and lifestyle blog. I work for an apparel company, Boxercraft, Inc. just outside of Atlanta, GA as an Executive Assistant.

Fashion is my passion and blogging is my therapy.

My goal is to connect with like minded individuals and inspire you to life your best life and be your best self. When I am not shopping or working, you can find me in the gym or sipping on a glass of prosecco.

Now, let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Today, I want to talk to you guys about my favorite ways to achieve work-life balance and live a stress free life.

Schedule Time to Unplug Each Week

Each and every week I make it a point to unplug and just relax.

Personally, I am a person who always experiences high levels of anxiety. It’s just how I am wired. It gets to a point where it physically drains me. So, each week I set aside a certain time (usually a Saturday or a Sunday due to working Monday through Friday) to turn my phone off, refrain from checking social media, and just relax.

It really helps me by putting on a movie, lighting candles, running my essential oil diffuser, and putting my phone on do not disturb. It allows me to put my mind to rest for a little while and recharge my batteries.

I also enjoy doing this on Sundays in particular to get my mind right for the week ahead. A few other things to try would be meditation, exercise, or scheduling time for whatever hobby you have that brings you joy. It increases my productivity and improves my attitude like you wouldn’t believe.

Is Work Taking Over Daily Life? 5 Strategies to Achieving a Healthy Work-Life Balance
Photo by Charles Koh on Unsplash

Do Not Bring Work Home With You

Okay, I know this is easier said than done. And given that many people now work remotely, or have a side hustle on top of their 9-5, it may not be possible. But nonetheless, you can still make an effort to keep your work at work.

The thought behind this for me out of sight = out of mind. If you’re anything like me, you won’t be able to resist opening your laptop, finishing that report, or answering “just one more email.” However, if you work a job where you work from home or have a side hustle, try to limit your work after work hours.

Give yourself an hour an evening to get some things done, then call it a night. This will increase clarity in your mind and probably even help you sleep better at night as well.

Ask for Help – in the Office or at Home

No one can do it all themselves, everyday, everything all the time. It’s just not possible. I tend to try and take on everything in the world on my own and refuse help until I am on the brink of a breakdown.

First of all, do not do that to yourself. You’re only setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.

Secondly, when it comes to work, do not let your plate overflow. Meaning, take on what you can and if you can sense that it may be too much, do not hesitate to ask for assistance.

I know from personal experience that everyone at work needs help at some point. We’ve all been there, probably on both sides of the spectrum. Knowing that you have a team that supports you and vice versa is a great feeling and should reduce your stress significantly.

On the other hand, I know that many women work a full-time job, have children, sign up for projects or extracurricular activities, etc. That all just sounds completely overwhelming to me.

Again, do not hesitate to ask for help. Whether be from a spouse, a parent, or just a good friend, I guarantee you that there is someone that is willing to help you out here and there with whatever you need.

Journal Your Thoughts and Feelings Each Week

This is a great way to vent your feelings and frustrations (if you have any). It also allows you to reflect on exactly what you need to work on, as far as managing stress and achieving balance in your life.

Truthfully, it is also very therapeutic. I have always used this method to deal with stress and anxiety, but I have learned over the last few months that it can be utilized for so much more. Each week reflect on how you are currently feeling and compare it to the week before.

It forces you to see what you have and have not done to improve your circumstances, and also forces you to see what works and what doesn’t. Or, rather than doing it on a weekly basis, journal throughout the week then reflect on Sunday. Use that as an opportunity to get your mind clear and get your head on straight.

Is Work Taking Over Daily Life? 5 Strategies to Achieving a Healthy Work-Life Balance
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Set Realistic Expectations for Yourself

Set expectations for yourself that are actually attainable. Many of us are go-getter’s. We want to do it all, see it all, conquer it all. That’s perfectly fine and I respect that so much.

But do not sabotage yourself by putting the world on your shoulders and expecting yourself to achieve whatever outrageous goal you have and then some. It puts much more pressure on yourself than is necessary.

When you realize that you actually have a lot more control over these situations it forces you to hold yourself accountable. When you start holding yourself accountable, you start to do so much better, period – the end.

I hope this has been helpful and beneficial to all of you who may struggle with similar issues. Now, I want to know – what are some of your favorite ways to achieve work-life balance? I would love to know what works for you!

Author Bio

Is Work Taking Over Daily Life? 5 Strategies to Achieving a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Jenna is the owner of The Blonde Blogger, a fashion and lifestyle blog. She work for an apparel company, Boxercraft, Inc. just outside of Atlanta, GA as an Executive Assistant. For more information on myself and my blog, head on over and be sure to follow me on Instagram and Pinterest. I am dropping my handles below. Instagram – @the_blondeblogger Pinterest –

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