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Self Love: Dream Big, Sparkle Bigger
I’ve been thinking lately that there’s a lot to be said for uplifting and inspirational things. Things that make you”sparkle” within. There are so many opportunities to run into situations where you feel less than worthy or when life can get you down.
I am fully aware of not only the feelings that come up when others are taking the opportunity to criticize but even worst of all, is the opportunity we often take to do it to ourselves.
I have battled body image issues over the past couple of years and am the absolute worst at nagging, self-loathing and critique directed straight at yours truly. I sometimes am so unaware of the way I speak to myself, that I’ve created a comic act out of it.
Personal Growth is Key
Because of this, I try to constantly surround myself with amazing, “sparkly” things to remind myself how grateful I am for every day that I am here.
Spending time with the people I love and the things I enjoy doing every day that make me happy. This is so important in daily life. If you can’t create your own internal oasis, no one can.
The amazing thing is, a sparkly thing doesn’t have to actually be sparkly in physicality. It can just make you feel sparkly inside. Something that makes you remember why you are grateful to be here.
Reminders of the all accomplishments you have made, no matter how small. Reminders of the dreams you are making happen right now.
A sunset on a warm, sunny night. Whatever they are, they all contribute to your current mindset. They are all contributing to your own personal Sparkle.
Sometimes, when I’m in a real funk, I head over to my Pinterest board where I have a bunch of great inspirational quotes.
Inspiration for Self Love
The other day, I happened to dig into my overwhelmingly large purse, full of stuff that I have no idea how it got in there. A very beautiful, rose gold coin purse that I had purchased several months ago was unveiled and the inscription on it said “dream big, sparkle bigger”.
I swear I looked at this little, teeny, weeny inspirational message and almost cried. There are so many times that I am unsure of my path but I’m always sure of one thing. That I will do something great. That I WILL make a difference. Somehow and in some way.
This was the exact thing the universe wanted to tell me that day. That I am on the right path and that I will sparkle bigger with my big dreams. Sounds corny, maybe. But I’ll take every corny, sparkly second of it.
And so, the first Sparkle Spotlight Inspirational Post is born
When I started this blog, I had no idea what I wanted to do with it. I found out very quickly that it helped make me, see me. The things I could do. The people I could help.
I knew that even though I wasn’t sure my exact direction (and still don’t really), that this was going to be my way to help others either learn how or remember how to sparkly on their own.
I hope these weekly sparkle spotlights of inspiration might add a gleaming moment in maybe a gloomy day to help uplift you when others (or even your own negative thoughts) are bringing you down.
If you liked this, you may want to read my post on Gratitude.
Thanks for the inspiration! A wonderful, positive way to get through each day 🙂
You are very welcome! Thank you for the comment!
Great article!! Inspiring ?
Thank you so much for your kind comments!!