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Starting an online business is an exciting step in anyone’s life, however, there are certain things that have to be taken into consideration before you can just jump in and get started – as tempting as it may be, so in this post I’m going to share with you some of the things that you should consider when starting an online business so that it can hopefully be an easier step for you.

What are Your Expectations?

Having reasonable expectations from the start will ensure that you don’t get discouraged and quit when things get tough – cause trust me, they will. Realise that you are going to have to put in considerable effort in the beginning with possibly little to no gain while you are in the building phase.

I have started so many new businesses that although I have big goals for each of them, I am aware of the reality and that it might take a long time to achieve them. Make sure to have a plan in place that will allow you to change directions or reset if things aren’t going as planned and try to be patient.

What Your Niche is Going to Be

The first thing you’ll want to consider is what your niche is going to be. Your niche is simply the area of specialization that you focus on, so this could be, for example, things like if you’re a copywriter focusing on writing only for clients in a specific industry or type of copy.

It basically allows you to put yourself forward to potential clients as a specialist instead of a generalist and give them more confidence in your skill set to be able to work with you and your business if you know about the industry, product, or service that you’re focusing on.

Your Branding

Branding is something that’s very misunderstood, as everyone mainly thinks that it only has to do with things like your logo and your website, and although these things are very important from a visual standpoint to remain consistent they are not the only thing that branding is about.

Branding is basically about how people perceive you, so as well as keeping your message consistent through a clear brand strategy it’s also in part about the visual aspect that works together with the brand perception that people have of you.

You can find more information on simple tips to keep your brand consistent from both a visual standpoint and strategic standpoint through places like

What Services You’re Going to Offer

If you’re running a service based business, then a big part of this is figuring out what services you’re going to be offering to your clients, for example if you’re running a copywriting business you may focus on offering things like website copy or you may even  focus on marketing and sales materials.

There are different ways that you can go about identifying the services that you want to offer, but the main point is that you get clear on these, so that you’re not promoting different things at the same time and confusing your potential clients with different offers.

Having a clear path and plan will get you moving in the right direction faster and will make sure that your clients have a good understanding of what you do and how you do it. This creates trust and building relationships is HUGE.

What your Positioning Will Be

When it comes to running a business, your positioning is very important  and is something that should be figured out from the beginning.

Your positioning basically sets the stage for the types of clients you’re going to be working with, and how you market to them. For example, is your brand going to be more of a Walmart type brand where you offer products and services at varying price points and caters to a more general market?  Or are you going to be exclusive and high-end such as Prada?

You can also be somewhere in the middle, but it’s really important that you figure this out, because this will form your complete Brand and marketing messaging and it doesn’t make sense to be marketing to high-end clients if you’re going to be selling low end products or vice versa.

Starting an online business is an exciting step in anyone's life, however, there are certainly things that have to be taken into consideration before you can just jump in and get started - as tempting as it may be, so in this post we're going to share with you some of the things that you should consider when starting an online business so that it can hopefully be an easier step for you.
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Are You Ready to Start Your Own Online Business?

If you are, it can be a really exciting and scary time! But if you have thought out all of these things, you will definitely set yourself up for success from the start.

Have a dream, hustle hard and sparkle big!

Sasha Lassey signature
Thinking about starting an online business? Make sure you have this plan in place first!
Four Important Things to Consider When Starting an Online Business 1

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