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facebook share threads increase blog traffic

Plus a Free Tracker With Over 40 Facebook Share Thread Groups You Can Join Today!

If you’re new to blogging, you’ve probably started to search around for ways to generate traffic to your blog. One of the best ways is to join Facebook Share Thread Groups that focus on bloggers who share each other’s content.

I learned about these workhorses from the Pinterest Ninja course which had a listing of over 100 different Facebook Groups to join for any niche. I’m currently in 15 or so of these types of groups and I can tell you that they WORK!

Since starting just over a month ago, out of a grand total of 473, the majority of my referrals have come from Facebook Group threads (242), followed closely by Pinterest (217), which I can attribute to getting my Tailwind account which is a scheduling tool to help me get my content noticed on Pinterest.

UPDATE: I’m still doing share threads over a year later and they have been great for growing my business! My traffic now mostly comes from Pinterest (about half), followed by Facebook!

facebook share threads

How Share Threads Work

Share threads are exactly what they say. Usually each day, an admin for the group will post a topic such as Pinterest Shares, Comments, or Facebook Likes etc. Then you post a link in that thread to one of those items that you would like some new traffic on and in turn you will reciprocate on other posts in the thread.

There is usually a time limit given as well as a minimum number of posts you must share. Generally, most threads have some rules to keep things going smoothly. Some common rules of etiquette that I have found in most groups are:

No link dropping in the comments of the person’s post that you’ve shared. This is a big no-no and will get you thrown out of a group quickly.

Click “like” when you’ve shared someone else’s post. There is no need to comment that you’ve done so as you can be marked as spam by Facebook and jailed.

Don’t just throw down a link and bail. That’s just plain rude. If you take the time to put your link down, please, please, please. Reciprocate.

Using Facebook Share Threads to Increase Traffic to Your Blog

Getting Your Post Interaction

With so many posts competing in one thread for attention for some interaction from other thread-mates (I have seen over 1000 in one thread!!), it is a really good idea to post effectively and smartly. 

After some trial and error, I noticed a bit of a trend on both my own posts and others that I thought I would pass along to help you get started on the right foot. Or left. Whatever. lol. Just get you going. 

Add a short intro before your link. Don’t think mini-bio here, just a short note about what the post is about

Say thank you in advance.  I’ve noticed that this really makes a huge difference in how many interactions I get. 

For the love of GOD, make your post shareable!!! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found a post that I would like to share, get there and then can’t find ANY share buttons. I have one word. SHAREAHOLIC. Top and bottom of your posts. In fact, if I go to a post and there isn’t share buttons at the top, I leave immediately. 

Share new content if you can. I know when you are first setting up a blog, it can take a while to gain some momentum. In the beginning, I was sharing the same two posts over and over. If you are consistently blogging, you should be able to share something new each week as the threads cycle. 

Thank anyone who did say they posted/shared/pinned/commented etc. Although some groups advise to not make any comments under the links, some groups require that you comment “done” when you are finished. If they do, it’s a nice gesture to say thanks. These interactions build relationships and relationships are GOOD in this biz. 

Check out some plugins that can help your sharing game. Besides Shareaholic, there are two other neat ones to check out. Better Click to Tweet is the first, and it allows you to highlight text that you would like tweeted (and it looks pretty neat too!). It makes it super easy for others to share content.

See what I did there?? 

The other is called CommentLuv and it allows anyone commenting on your blog post to add a link to their last blog post as well! How cool is that??!! There’s always room for more blogging babes in my opinion!!

Here’s Three of My Favorite Facebook Groups To Get You Started

And if you haven’t yet joined us, make sure to pop in my Facebook Group, the Blogging Babes Collective which isn’t a thread sharing group, but a group to help each other work on our blogs together.  You can read more about how it all got started in my Blogging Babes Collective post.

Have you tried out any Facebook Share Thread Groups yet? I’d love to hear about it in the comments! 

Sasha Lassey signature

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