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Why It's Easier to Blog in the Spring and Summer

The best thing about blogging is that it’s so accessible. It costs next to nothing to get started, you don’t need any special equipment and it’s something you can do at any time with no hassle to you.

With that being said, during the summer it can be easier to create great content for your site and with the warmer weather approaching- it’s well worth making the most of it. Here are a few reasons why and how you can find new inspiration from it!!

Have fun experiences

If you’re a lifestyle blogger and write about your own personal experiences, warmer weather generally enables you to get out there and do more. This of course can mean more ideas for content, when it’s cold and you’re at home for most of the time it can be a struggle finding enough to do to actually warrant writing about.

Even if you’re not a lifestyle blogger, getting out and having more experiences can improve your content too. It can give you ideas, take beauty blogging for example. If you go out to a festival for the weekend, it could inspire you to write about what cosmetics you need to take with you for this kind of event.

If you’re a fashion blogger, you could write about capsule wardrobe tips for travelling. It’s not to say you can’t do fun things over the winter, but overall it can be more difficult. So take advantage of the upcoming sunshine!

Take beautiful photos

It doesn’t matter if you use a smartphone or a DSLR to take your photos, good lighting will always make them look their best. It shouldn’t be in direct sunlight, but a bright clear day will make your photos look clean and beautiful.

It’s not just a case of editing a dark picture on Photoshop and expecting it to look good as this often doesn’t work. When the days are lighter, take advantage and snap lots of good pictures for your blog. Take pictures now that you could potentially use later in the year when the dingy weather returns.

It might be your words that captivate a reader and keep them coming back, but it’s the images that will draw them in and bring your words to life.

Why It's Easier to Blog in the Spring and Summer

Blog from new locations

Blogging from a new location can make a huge difference when it comes to your mindset. It’s easy to fall into a rut, staring at the same four walls and waiting for the ideas to come to you.

When it’s warm you can blog from the garden, from a local park or anywhere with nice scenic surroundings. If you want to do this on a regular basis, you can even get a wifi hotspot device like instead of having to tether to your phone’s data.

When the weather is warm, getting outside and doing these things is easy. In the winter, you’re pretty much stuck with staying home, blogging from a coffee shop or any other indoor location you can find.

What’s your favorite inspiring place to blog? Drop me a comment and let me know!

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