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Guest Post by Ariona Sherwood
Thinking about quitting your job? Or is this something that you have already taken that leap of faith and done? Don’t worry if either of these describes you, you are not alone. More people around the world are looking to have a better quality of life.
A lot of people are wanting to gain more time with their families and have enough money to live their best lives all while creating an impact of their own. People all around the world are researching ways to be impactful, learn positive things and ideas, not to mention awareness.
One of the
top researched wordsin google was the word good. People are looking for better. Sound familiar? Well, get a load of this.
New studies from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) have shown an increase in unemployment. Statistics have also shown that more ads have gone out for hiring positions than the number of workers that are being employed and taking these positions. The national unemployment rate has risen by 0.2%.
What also seems to be incredibly interesting is the rate of new businesses entering the economy and the old ones that are exiting. Studies have shown that entrepreneurship has been playing a growth in the U.S Economy through young and small businesses.
Although the year has just begun forty-three states and the District of Columbia have not shown any notable difference since last year’s statistics thus far.
Due to wage rates and companies lacking the ability to promote as frequently as they should; people have been quitting their jobs. Rather gain a more lucrative position elsewhere, or to create their own legacy, it is more than clear the economy is changing rapidly.
Reading this and wondering where you may fit in all of this? That’s easy, let’s weigh out the pros and cons.
Benefits of Running Your Own Busisess
∙ The job security that you can have when owning your own business is completely up to you.
∙ Not to mention how awesome it is when all your hard work pays off and you are able to have income at your disposal to diversify all your earnings to invest in the things that you would prefer.
∙ Also, as previously mentioned when is the last time you had the freedom to travel as you please, or spend time with your family?
∙ You also can meet and network with new people all around the world depending on what it is that you do.
∙ No more waiting to share all those brilliant ideas that you have brewing inside of you. You are the idea, how amazing.
∙ Don’t forget about the many things that you will learn about yourself as you begin your own business.
∙ This may not seem huge; however, you’d be doing work that makes you happy no matter the location. That is enough to give a great sense of purpose.
∙ You can retire young, who said you must enjoy life when you barely can move anymore. Enjoy it while you can.
∙ Having your own company can provide generational wealth.
∙ You do not have the freedom to move as you please when you have obligations that must be met for the company in which you are employed.
∙ Life happens, a lot of times companies you may be employed by are not as forgiving.
Downside to Running Your Own Business
∙ Having a job brings
∙ It takes a while before you can establish a business and begin making enough income to live from. With a job, you can still pay your bills.
∙ You’re not held solely responsible for the business when things go wrong.
∙ You have the option to have great benefits provided depending on the company, for you and your family.
Other Things to Consider to Starting Your Own Business
After going through this list and your own list of pros and cons, did you figure out the answer? Here, let me help.
The answer is seeing what best benefits you. This list doesn’t mean get up and quit your job today without a plan. However, if quitting your job is something that you decide to do, find a plan, stick to it, and set a date.
Focus and Execution are Key to Being Successful
Businesses can be hard to run, especially in the beginning when you’re googling how to do everything so you can get your feet off the ground and start seeing a return on investments.
Begin learning the basics before jumping in thinking the water is waist deep, only to find out the water was chin deep and you can barely keep your head above water.
Write down what success means to you. What one person considers a success another may not. When you’re aware of what you deem a success begin calculating things according to your budget.
Starting a business takes money, and there is no reason why the job that you have cannot be beneficial to fuel your business.
There’s nothing like being unable to afford the essentials that you need to start a business. Invest in yourself no matter how crazy your vision may seem. Learn as much as you can, and never stop learning well after you have gotten better.
Keep up to date on information and decide what is going to make you different from others in your field. There are others before you waiting to give out valuable information.
Is the economy changing, perhaps it is, perhaps it’s not?
However, if you’re still reading this and you’ve made it all the way to this point, I’m pretty sure starting a business is for you. What are you waiting for? Assess what’s best for you. The time is now.
tips on her lifestyle blog. She is an awesome mother of two beautiful boys that keep her imagination alive and continuously prospering. She is known for bringing her words to life through everything she writes regardless of niche and genre.
This is helpful, there’s definitely pros and cons to working for yourself but I would choose it everyday! ?
Yes! So would I Amanda!! 🙂
Great read, Ariona, and Sasha! I’ve been self-employed for over 20 years. I don’t want it any other way. It has its ups and downs, but incredibly satisfying. And blogging has been one of the better choices in self-employment! Looking forward to more awesome posts!
Absolutely, Steve! I think one you’ve got the bug its hard to go back 😉
Great post! There are so many benefits to having your own business, but it can also be scary because there’s not a guaranteed paycheck if things are slow. Enjoyed the post!
Thanks, Jess! It can totally be scary. But at the same time, so rewarding!
Great article! I’m thinking seriously about resigning from my job so I can work for myself full time. I totally agree about using the paid job to fuel my business. It also gives the peace of mind that the bills will be paid while you are waiting for your business to take off.
That’s so exciting, Abi!! Yes, it’s definitely nice to have that paycheck to fall back on.
Working for yourself is the thing to do. It is hard but you just can’t quit!
Yes, Andrea!!! I absolutely would never give up being an entrepreneur. It is so rewarding.
Lots of good info and things to think about. My husband and I both come from entrepreneur families, and I can tell you that it is a lot of work to own your own business. But in many cases, it is well worth the sacrifice.
I think I have read this post four or five times. Every time I get frustrated I find I return to your site just to give me that push in the right direction again. Thanks for the great read.
You’re welcome Jenn! I’m so happy to hear that you find helpful things in my blog 🙂
Really interesting! Lots to consider!
I’ve run my own businesses since 2002. Not all of them doing blogging and creating naturally derived products. First it was freelance graphic designer, sheet metal business,ran my own massage therapy clinic, now this. For me, I love being self-employed! ❤️
Thanks for the post!!
You sound like a fellow serial entrepreneur like me!! I’ve done it all too- learned so much along the way. Thanks for reading!
I have to admit, investing in my education on this whole “running my own business” gig has been my lifesaver.
Before I read books and completed a few courses on blogging, I was wasting so much time trying to piece together what I could find on the internet. Some of which was WRONG information.
I have a select few bloggers whom I follow and trust and learn from. And Everyday She’s Sparkling is one of them!
Awe!! Thank you DaLorean!! Its so great to have other bloggers like you for support. Learning new things is ther key for sure.
I am sure it is for me and many moms who have chosen to stay home for their kids. Great article. Keep it up Sasha.
Thank you Nadia! Its great to stay home with your babies if that’s what you want! Have an amazing day 🙂
I definitely want to continue down this road. I’m currently a realtor while I get the blogs and writing to a point where I can replace my real estate income. However, I already consider real estate as a side hustle. ?
Real estate is a wicked side-hustle! I always thought about doing it. Good for you to keep all the side-hustles going at the same time 🙂